Wednesday, March 28, 2018

English Grammar Understanding the Basics Second Part

English  Grammar Understanding the Basics

Test yourself 28.4Underlinethenounphrasesineachof the sentencesbelow.Inthisexercise,thenounphrasewillalways
consistof determiner +adjective+noun. Some sentencesmayhavemore thanonenounphrase.
Sample: My young cousin got on that scary roller-coaster.
Getting started (answers on p. 119)

English Grammar Understanding the Basics First Part

English  Grammar Understanding the Basics

Introduction page xi
How to use this book xii
Part I Kinds of words 1
Unit I Nouns 3
Lesson 1 Identifying nouns 3
Lesson 2 Concrete and abstract nouns 5
Lesson 3 Singular and plural nouns 9
Lesson 4 Animate and inanimate nouns 12

1100 Words You Need to Know. Week 2



Calvin Coolidge, our thirtieth president, was named “Silent Cal” by reporters because of hislaconic speech. One Sunday, after Mr. Coolidge had listened to an interminable* sermon, athrong of newsmen gathered around him. An intrepid reporter accosted the Chief Executive:
“Mr. President, we know that the sermon was on the topic of sin. What did the minister say?”
“He was against it,” the
reticent Coolidge replied.

1100 Words You Need to Know. Week 1

1000 Words You Need to Know ideal way to strengthen their word power expanded and updated with more


The study of the English language has spread all over the world, and high school and college
students everywhere have come to realize that language mastery depends on the possession of
a comprehensive vocabulary. This is just what
1100 Words You Need to Know has been
offering through the five earlier editions and continuing on this sixth one.