Sunday, February 8, 2015

Past Indefinite Tense

Past indefinite tense means the tasks or jobs were done in past time but there must not be any continuous time. And also those jobs or tasks which will have no feedback or result to be used after completion of those jobs or tasks can be written or spoken as past indefinite tense. Subject + Verb in past form + object/complement/extension  

I wanted to go to city.
They did the wrong task.
He wrote the letter.
You build the relation with the person.

In case of 3rd person singular number, as auxiliaries you have to use had, was (were for plural), did, could, should, might, would Here you don’t have to use s or es with verbs as we used in present tense.

I had a fountain pen.
They were good students.
He could do that.
He might be crueler than you.
You should help him.

Second most frequently used sentences in English are from this tense.

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