Saturday, February 7, 2015

Present Indefinite Tense Indefinite means a job or task must be done in present time but there must not be any continuous time. If you want to use a time, you have to use them in habitual facts, tasks or jobs. And also you can use in universal truth.

Structure: Subject + Verbs in present form + Object/ Complement/ Extension

In case of 3rd person singular number: If it appears that the subject becomes 3rd person singular number, then the verb takes S or ES with verbs.

  • She takes bath in the morning.
  • Rahman always speaks the truth.
  • Ritu never goes to wrong way.

 [Note: We have already learnt about the kinds of verbs]

# 3rd person singular number always takes is, has, can, may, and does.
Because after them, there also has s or es.

  •  She has a dog.
  • He is a student.
  • Rita does not do the sum.
  • The home looks very beautiful.
  • The train is very big.
  • He can do the sum.
  • He may come in the room.

Special Uses:

There are two special uses of present indefinite tenses, this are-

Universal Truth: All the universal truth events must be written and spoken in present indefinite tense.

a.      Sun rises in the east.
b.      Water flows into the river.
c.       Cow lives on grass.
d.      Moon shines at night.
e.      All living things have to work.
f.        Water feels cold. Etc.

Habitual Facts: Most of the habitual facts, jobs or works are to be written or spoken in present indefinite tense.
a.      I take a glass of milk every day.
b.     They walk in the morning.
c.     She hears a lot of songs. Etc.

Most of the general sentences in English Grammar are written and spoken in Present Indefinite Tense.

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